Addressing E-mails: To, CC, and BCC defined

Addressing E-mails: To, CC, and BCC defined

When sending E-mail's always remember what each field is for, and the results. If you're mass-mailing groups of people, never use TO or CC, always use BCC.

Primary person or persons you're sending the E-mail to. 
Visible to everyone that receives the E-mail
Tech Info: When there are more than 99 people in this field some E-mail servers will reject delivery of these E-mail's

(Carbon Copy)
If you're wanting to keep others informed about the E-mail, and want the To: people to know others are also getting the E-mail
Visible to everyone that receives the E-mail who is in the To: and CC: fields
Tech Info: When there are more than 99 people in this field some E-mail servers will reject delivery of these E-mail's

(Blind Carbon Copy)
If you're wanting to keep others informed about the E-mail, and want the To: people to know others are also getting the E-mail
They receive the E-mail, and can see the To: and CC: people, but can't see the other BCC: recipients. 
If you're sending out mail to lots of people put yourself in the To: field, and everyone else in the BCC field
Tech Info: When there are more than 99 people in this field some E-mail servers will reject delivery of these E-mail's

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