3 simple steps to securing your digital identity STEP 1 You should have at the most 5 passwords to remember. Each password is different, and those passwords are never used anywhere else (#5 can be stored in your password manager if you don't check ...
1) Know how to take care of your batteries https://www.davidthegeek.com/portal/kb/articles/battery-care 2) Internet Connections that you pay for Make sure you enable "Metered Mode" for any wifi names that are based off a cell network that you pay for ...
The world doesn't come to an end April 8th. No concerns about continued XP use if: If you don't connect to the internet with the machine If you connect to the internet on that machine and it's XP: Follow good security ...
About the most valuable lessons you can ever learn about your computer is highlighting and copy/cut/paste. If there's nothing else that you take with you, that's the most important thing I could ever teach you. It'll literally save days of your life ...
Picking out a laptop in the sea of options can be tricky. Here's my tips to limit the choices and find one: Information/Decisions to put together (print this to help) Existing amount of stored data (Right click c: drive on current computer and see ...